Our competitions consist of A, B, and C course depending on how much skilled contestants are. Each course has its subject piece of music showing level of each course. While giving prize to contestants, we grade contestants for 1st to 6th kyu of each course on an absolute scale. So regardless of age contestants are able to compete on absolute scale of skill. Separately first to third prize are given for each age category, winners of which would attract the attention of public. Our competitions can be not only the stage for talented artists compete for prizes, but also the stage for students in any age confirm their proficiency on their own pace by the kyu system.

【Subject Piece】
These pieces are NOT suggested for competitions. These piece shows adequate skill of each course. In the event that a contestant plays too well as the applied course, such contestant is move to upper course.
A contestant who plays not well enough may go lower course.


リスト/ パガニーニによる大練習曲第3番、 ラ・カンパネラ、 ドビュッシー/喜びの島
ベートーヴェン/ 初期・中期のソナタ、ショパン/練習曲Op.10 Op.25、 バッハ/平均律

Bコース (中級レベル)

モーツァルト/ピアノソナタ、 グリーグ/蝶々、 ベートーベン/ソナタOp.14-2, Op.49
バッハ/インヴェンション、 ショパン/子犬のワルツ、 ツェルニー/30番、40番練習曲
ショパン/幻想即興曲、 モシュコフスキー/練習曲、 モーツァルト/きらきら星変奏曲
ショパン/3つの新練習曲、 バッハ/シンフォニア

Cコース (初級レベル)

エルメンライヒ/つむぎ歌、 ベートーベン/エリーゼの為に、 バッハ/メヌエット ト長調
オースティン/お人形の夢とめざめ、 ブルグミュラー/25の練習曲、 クーラウ/ソナチネ